Shop our Spring Sale Here | FREE standard delivery on all orders!

Help Center

Help Center

Orders placed before 12.30pm Monday-Friday will be dispatched the same day. Orders received after 12.30pm will be dispatched the following day. Orders placed on a weekend will not be dispatched until the following Monday. You will receive an email notification from us once your order has been dispatched.

Our courier will aim to have your parcel with you within 4-5 working days (Mainland UK only). 

If you think you should have received your order by now, but have not, please get in touch with our customer care team at

If, after you have placed your order you realise that you need to amend something, we will try our best to assist you. Please contact our customer care team at

We always try our best to ensure orders are packed correctly. However if you find that you are missing an item, or something is wrong we want to make it right for you. Please contact our customer care team at